Saturday, April 25, 2015

Book to film adaptions.

There are some books that lend themselves to being made into films. They quickly become cinematic classics, and a lot of the time, audiences were not aware that they were based on books in the first place. Here is a list of some of the best book to film adaptions available to audiences.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Forrest Gump


The Color Purple

The Shining


  1. Out of all the ones you listed I'm most familiar with Forrest Gump and To Kill a Mocking Bird. I thought they did a great job including all the book's details into the film adaptations.

  2. These are CLASSICS. I'm glad not all transitions from book to movie turned out as bad as they usually do. I guess life really is like a box of chocolates!

  3. I feel like the art of transitioning literature to cinema has been lost in favor of popular plot and film structures these older adaptation are my favorites.

  4. Love the list of classics! To Kill A Mockingbird is a favorite of mine in both book and film form.
