Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Films to mess with your mind.

Plots to films these days tend to be pretty easy to follow; This character goes on a quest, finds love, rinse, repeat. However, once in a while, you find a film that twists reality. You find a film that sends you on a crazy, psychedelic roller coaster ride. Today, we're going to talk about three of the trippiest, crazy films out there!

Number 1: Fight Club directed by David Fincher

Fight Club follows our insomniac, office working narrator (Edward Norton) as he befriends Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), a soap salesman. The two decide to open and underground fight club where men can go to release their aggression in hand to hand combat. Soon fight clubs pop up across the country, but something more than just a fight club begins to evolve.

Number 2: Momento directed by Christopher Nolan

A man with short term memory loss (Guy Pearce) on a quest to find the person who murdered his wife (Carrie-Ann Moss), with her killing being the last full memory he has. While we see him on his quest, another story line plays at the same time, filling in the gaps and building on the suspense.

Number 3: 2001: A Space Odyssey directed by Stanley Kubrick

Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece centers around a pair of astronauts sent to investigate a mysterious foreign object on the moon's surface. The pair is guided by a clever and ominous A.I, HAL 9000. While the film is very long, it's filled with mind blowing visuals and a killer score that make it one of the greatest films of all time.


  1. Psychological thrillers are the worst. They always make me question my sanity and keep me up after I watch them. They're worse than horror movies!

  2. My friends give me crap all the time for saying I hated Fight Club, but I just couldn't get into it. Memento I enjoyed, however, as I'm a Guy Pearce fan.

  3. Fight Club is the only one I recognize of the 3 thrillers, even though I haven't watched it yet. Of course it has Brad in it, so that will change soon!
